Online childbirth classes online birth classes dallas

Online Childbirth Education – For the Busy Expecting Couple

mariapokluda childbirth education, evidenced based, Mama Natural, online childbirth class, Online Childbirth classes

Are you a busy couple expecting a baby? Or perhaps you just prefer to prepare for birth from the comfort of home. Here is a great option for you!

How to Have a VBAC – The Most Important Thing

mariapokluda C-section, Care provider, Cesarean, Coppell, Dallas, doula, Maria Pokluda, Southlake, VBAC

Having attended hundreds of VBACs, I ‘m often asked what a woman can do to achieve this goal- and I have found that there is ONE thing that exponentially increases the odds of having a successful VBAC. The answer might surprise you.

Cut It Out by Theresa Morris – Go Read It

mariapokluda C-section, Cesarean, Coppell, Cut It Out, Dallas, doula, evidenced based, Fort Worth, hospital birth, natural birth

Cut It Out by Theresa Morris brings new insight to what she calls the Cesarean epidemic in American. This a must read for expecting women and anyone who works with them including OBs, nurses, doulas, childbirth educators and midwives. Read why, you will be surprised.