The Making of a Family – Ft. Worth, TX

mariapokluda Coppell, natural birth, surrogacy, VBAC

Some of our clients enjoy sharing their birth stories or photography in order to encourage and inspire others.  We try to share these from time to time.  Hope you enjoy!

Watch this amazing video by Nhance Photography.  This is the story of so many things…loss, sadness, hope, waiting and ultimately it is the story of the making of a family in a beautiful and selfless way that is JOY!  I am the luckiest doula in the world to be able to do what I do and to be a small part of this event.  As a woman who has also gone through a trial of infertility. it makes me especially happy to serve the special women who choose to be surrogates and who help grow families.  – Maria (Want to know more? Read the full story and learn more about surrogacy at Surro-Momma Love.)

surrogacy VBAC doula


Maria Pokluda has been a doula serving expecting families in Dallas and Ft. Worth since 2007 and has helped hundreds of IMG_7310families have happy birth days.  Maria was voted “Best Doula” by DFW Child the past three years and has a special passion for helping couples achieve VBACs. You can find information about Maria’s services or read her blog at