Wrap It Up

mariapokluda bengkung wrap, postpartum, wrap

bengkungWomen have been wrapping their bellies after having babies for thousands of years…both for the perceived benefits and for the traditional ceremonies that evolved around the process.  Many cultures have unique and interesting ways to support the pelvic and abdominal area in the weeks following childbirth.  We offer the bengkung wrap that is both gorgeous and comfortable.  A wrap session includes the wrap, a protective under piece, and a belly firming paste that is applied prior to wrapping.  Our wrapping specialists will teach you to put the wrap on and off so that you can wear it as often as you like. (Traditional custom is for 40 days after the birth of your child, but you can decide what works best for you.  Most women do not sleep in the wrap.)

What are the benefits?

  • Provides steady pressure to the pelvic area and hips to encourage them to move back to their pre-pregnancy shape
  • May help minimize a diastatis recti
  • Supports good posture in general but also while breastfeeding when women may tend to slouch
  • May relives postpartum back pain

And yes, we admit we think a benefit is that it looks really cool!