Cesarean Recovery – Dallas Birth Network’s January Meeting

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Join the Dallas Birth Network as they welcome John James and Lauren Robertson, co-founders of the C-Section Recovery Center.  They will discuss the post partum concerns unique to women who have experienced a Cesarean delivery and demonstrate some of the techniques they use in c-section recovery when working with their clients. For those women that might be thinking about the next pregnancy, they will be making suggestions to encourage VBAC preparation as well..

According to the C-Section Recovery Center, most people assume that because c-sections are performed every day, they are not a big deal. New mothers have an expectation that once a certain period of time has passed and the scar has visibly closed, that they are “healed.” However, after the initial recovery period has passed, sometimes years later, many women will develop chronic conditions that are directly related to their prior c-section.  Their office is solely dedicated to helping heal those issues.

When: 7:00pm Thursday, January 14th

Where: The Nappy Shoppe – 3253 Independence Parkway    Plano, Texas

Meeting is free is welcome to the public.  Lapchildren welcomed.

Read more about Dallas Birth Network and get specific event info.

Many of the Great Expectations Doulas will be there, so if you come to the meeting, please find us and say hello.  We would love to meet you!