The Making of a Family – Ft. Worth, TX

mariapokluda Coppell, natural birth, surrogacy, VBAC

Some of our clients enjoy sharing their birth stories or photography in order to encourage and inspire others.  We try to share these from time to time.  Hope you enjoy! Watch this amazing video by Nhance Photography.  This is the story of so many things…loss, sadness, hope, waiting and ultimately it is the story of the making of a family …

hospital gown dallas doula

Does This Gown Make Me Look Fat?

mariapokluda hospital birth, hospital gown

Ah, the lowly hospital gown.  It isn’t much to look at and for moms planning to breastfeed, it isn’t all that practical once the baby arrives.  However, donning the gown is often one of the very first rituals of giving birth in a hospital.  Most women don’t even think twice about shedding whatever maternity clothes they arrived in and changing …